The functionality of aidoru.info has been carefully crafted through feedback from passionate Producers, casuals and hardcores alike. This provides you the all the features you need for event success.
aidoru.info maintains an enormous database of event data. We collect over 140,000 new records per month. aidoru.info makes it easy for you to study all of our data. Our individual event borders, independent update snapshots and combined table and graph gives you an unprecedented amount of options for everyone to use. This eliminates the need for spreadsheets and makes it more accessible than ever.
必要な通知を手元で受け取れる。イベントのアップデートを受信する場合、Twitter と Discord のどちらかを選択することができます。
Get the notifications you need right at your fingertips. You have the choice between Twitter and Discord when it comes to receiving event updates on third party applications. All updates are pushed instantly at the same time, so you get the information right on time, regardless of which platform you choose.
Daily updates with full historical data. Thats right, aidoru.info implements the most sophisticated public top 100 PRP tracker in the market. Automated daily updates, past update snapshots and player movement deltas help you keep track of all of the action going on, without having to check in every single day.
Thank you for using aidoru.info. I'm always trying to make the site more helpful for everyone and have invested over a thousand hours to write this site from hand. We've come a long way from our humble beginnings in 2018 and I think we've still got a long way to go. I don't intend to become rich from running this site, but any financial contribution would greatly help in financing the site, which is completely paid out of my own wallet. With sufficient funding we can afford more powerful servers that will help with improving the response times and processing speeds for all the data.
Presently there are two ways to provide financial support to the website. One of them is to make a one time donation via my streamelements URL. The other is to join my patreon, which will offer special benefits like getting updates on features that I'm working on as well as the ability to vote on what I should prioritize next. Of course, you should not feel obligated to give anyone on the internet money, but any contribution no matter how small is greatly appreciated.