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SPOILER WARNING: READ THE OTHER PARTS FIRST! Sakura no Kaze goes somewhere in the imaginary tier list of "Top 5 worst game cut versions of all time". If you have any kind of preconceived perception of this song from the game cut it's best you leave them behind as it will do you no favors here.

Here are the links to the other parts

  1. [Lyrical Deep Dive: Kaze Series 1/4 ツインテールの風 - Winter...

Today, the publication date of this writeup, is the 9th of August 2022, and marks 5 years since the release of Gin no Iruka to Atsui Kaze, the first installment of the series.

The MASTER SEASONS series of CD Albums tells a love story in 4 parts across 4 seasons, separated by several years. The first album came out in August 9th 2017 and the final part of the story was released on April 14th 201...

The MASTER SEASONS series of CD Albums tells a love story in 4 parts across 4 seasons, separated by several years. The first album came out in August 9th 2017 and the final part of the story was released on April 14th 2018. All 4 songs feature lyrics written by Mori Yuriko and feature the kanji for wind 風 (kaze) in the title. Together they represent one of the most unique collections of literature...

The MASTER SEASONS series of CD Albums tells a love story in 4 parts across 4 seasons, separated by several years. The first album came out in August 9th 2017 and the final part of the story was released on April 14th 2018. All 4 songs feature lyrics written by Mori Yuriko and feature the kanji for wind 風 (kaze) in the title. Together they represent one of the most unique collections of literature...

おっきな会場に、沢山のお客さん!(In a massive venue, a large number of guests!)
これ以上ない、最高の舞台さ!(There's nothing greater [than this], the greatest stage!)
ウチたちなら、見せつけてやれるって信じてるぞ!(It's us, therefore believe that we will be able to show it off to you!)
私達これから、歌い上げてくるよ!(From here on, we will sing from the top of our voice!)
だからプロデューサーも、しっかり聞いて、心に刻んで (Therefore, producer too should listen carefully and etch...

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