Skill Boost Effects - All Effects Explained

Posted on Feb. 16, 2022, 2:59 p.m.
2 min read

Skill boost was the first complex skill added to starlight stage. It introduced a new way for us to think about cards as it does not have any effect itself, but relies on other existing effects to work in synergy with them. Since then other skill boost related skills like Ensemble and Tricolor Symphony have been added, but they all work off the same basic principles.

For this article we will cover the basic interactions associated with skill boost

  1. Score and Combo Calculation
  2. Damage Guard Interaction
  3. Life Recovery Interaction
  4. Combo Support Interaction
  5. Perfect Support Interaction
  6. Negative Effects

Score and Combo calculation

Skill boost effects are typically 10%, 20% or 50%, although other values exist and may exist in the future. These are calculated by the following formula

ROUND UP (<Percentage> x (1 + <skill boost percentage> ÷ 100))

This value is always rounded up. This is also calculated for both Score and Combo Bonus independently


If you have 17% Score Bonus and your Skill Boost is 20%, the final score applied is 21%, rounded up from 20.4%

Damage Guard Interaction

If a damage guard is active while skill boost is also active, Perfect judgement on notes will recover 1 HP.

This effect counts as a life recovery of 1, and will not stack with other healer life recovery effects, including the skill boost interaction with Life Recovery skills in the next section. It is always 1. Any stronger effects will overwrite it.

Life Recovery Interaction

If there are life recovery effects active while skill boost is also active, the amount of health recovered per Perfect will be increased by 1. This effect does not apply to the life recovery effect given when damage guard is being affected by skill boost.

Combo Support Interaction

If there is a combo support skill active while skill boost is also active, the judgement grades affected will increase by 1.

This means that if combo support made notes up to NICE continue combo, it can also cause BAD to continue combo when skill boosted. This effect does NOT affect the combo support effect given by the Overload skill and cannot make MISSes continue combo.

Perfect Support Interaction

If there is a perfect support skill active while skill boost is also active, the judgement grades affected will increase by 1. This can cause MISS to be converted to perfect.

This means that if perfect support made notes up to NICE convert to PERFECT, it can also cause BAD to be converted to PERFECT when skill boosted. This also means that if there is a perfect support skill that made notes up to BAD convert to perfect, it will cause MISS to also convert to perfect when skill boosted.

Negative Effects

Skill boost does not interact with negative effects. This includes

  • Life Penalty of activation from overload
  • Judgement Window tightening by Concentration
  • Negative Score Bonus or Combo Bonus effects do not get boosted by skill boost
    • This means that if there is a resonance effect applied to negative score or combo bonus, the order of computation is [All Positive Multipliers] x [ Skill Boost Multiplier] - [Negative Multiplier values]

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